Felstead Database - Peal List for Tower

9 valid peals for Aymestrey, SS John the Baptist & Alkmund, Herefordshire, England.

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1 to 9 out of 9 peals

PealPB-IDStatusDate RungMethod
1246-0707OKSat, 18 Jun 1938Doubles (3 methods)
2246-0710OKSun, 9 Oct 1938Grandsire Doubles
3246-0729OKSun, 12 Mar 1939Doubles (5 methods)
4246-0732OKSun, 14 May 1939Doubles (2 methods)
5246-0741OKFri, 15 Jun 1945Doubles (2 methods)
6246-0755OKThu, 8 Aug 1968Minor (7 methods)
7246-0764OKMon, 26 Sep 1977Minor (5 methods)
8246-0778OKSat, 4 Oct 1986Minor (3 methods)
9994-0906OKWed, 1 May 2024Minor (3 methods)
RW 5902.0516

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