Felstead Database - Peal List for Tower

4 invalid peals for Garston, Liverpool, S Michael, Lancashire, England.

View the 298 valid peals

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1 to 4 out of 4 peals

PealPB-IDStatusDate RungMethod
1314-7889BAD_TOWERSat, 24 Sep 1881Grandsire Triples
BN Nov 81.76 Rung at Holy Trinity, Bolton - CB xi.703 & LACR records
2314-8612FALSEMon, 23 Apr 1900Grandsire Triples
BN xviii.583 False - BN xix.29
3314-8620FALSEMon, 27 Mar 1905Plain Bob Major
BN xxiv.46 False - see footnote to 22/05/1905 peal - BN xxiv.152 (Peter Furniss)
4237-0168FALSEThu, 29 Aug 2013Spliced Surprise Major (4 methods)
RW 9013

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