Felstead Database - Peal List for Tower

4 invalid peals for Oldham, S Mary the Virgin, Lancashire, England.

View the 261 valid peals

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1 to 4 out of 4 peals

PealPB-IDStatusDate RungMethod
1381-5214BAD_DATESat, 25 Mar 1809Plain Bob Major
(15,120) BN xxix.409 - duplicate of and error in date for peal on 24/10/1807 (Rung in the old church, sometimes referred to as St Paul's)
2349-2573BAD_DATETue, 24 Oct 1809Plain Bob Major
(15,120) CR 291 & 347 - duplicate of peal on 24/10/1807 (Rung in the old church, sometimes referred to as St Paul's)
3381-5238BAD_METHODSun, 8 Apr 1821Plain Bob Major
(14,016) BN xxx.50 - duplicate of and error in method for peal on 12/2/1821 (Rung in the old church, sometimes referred to as St Paul's)
4381-7138FALSETue, 15 Feb 1825Grandsire Major
(9,999). CB v.343; BN ii.495 - False (Rung in the old church, sometimes referred to as St Paul's)

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