Felstead Database - Peal List for Tower

5 invalid peals for St Albans, S Peter, Hertfordshire, England.

View the 307 valid peals

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1 to 5 out of 5 peals

PealPB-IDStatusDate RungMethod
1412-6865FALSEMon, 31 Jul 1865Stedman Caters
E 6.viii.65; Crossed out 'Probably not a true peal'.
2412-7348FALSESat, 18 May 1929Plain Bob Major
3412-7665FALSESat, 7 Jul 1956Little Grandsire Caters
RW 2364.0450 - False (CC Records Committee report 2003)
4412-8359FALSESat, 22 Nov 1975Grandsire Caters
5166-4889FALSESat, 13 Mar 1999London No.3 Surprise Royal
RW 4595

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