Felstead Database - Peal List for Tower

3 invalid peals for Canterbury, Christ, Kent, England.

View the 228 valid peals

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1 to 3 out of 3 peals

PealPB-IDStatusDate RungMethod
1276-7293ERRORTue, 30 May 1732Grandsire Triples
CR 78; 504 changes rung not 5040 - RW 3647.0252
2276-8455WITHDRAWNMon, 1 Aug 1927Kent Treble Bob Royal
RW 0855.0499 - Withdrawn - RW 0860.0584 (8th clapper dropped out 4 leads before end)
3276-8441HOAXSat, 4 Oct 1980Cambridge Surprise Maximus
RW 3628.0966 - Hoax

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