Affiliation fee consultations open now

We have been putting Central Council finances under the microscope over the past couple of months and doing some long term planning to put us in a better position to delivery Ringing 2030.

You can find more details here: Sustainable finance for the future of ringing

We plan to do this through an affiliation fee elevator, with a regular increase in the affiliation fee, starting from 2025.  This will allow associations time for their own financial planning, and remove ‘big bang’ increases..  In the meantime, we will meet project spending deficits from cash reserves.  By the time we reach 2030, we will have a stable income that will allow us to sustain our projects through paid staff,  operating costs and  project developments that meet our charitable objectives.

The first change is to increase the affiliation fee to 40p per member, which will allow us to meet our basic operating costs without running a deficit.

We then propose to continue to increase the affiliation fee, at smaller rates of increase, up to 2030, until it reaches £1 per affiliated member.

However, we do want to hear your opinion  Is that too fast, too slow, not ambitious enough?

Join the Conversation

We have set up a variety of ways for you to share your thoughts and ideas with us, and we want to hear from as many ringers as possible.

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