The Council is the representative body for all who ring bells in the English tradition with rope and wheel. Founded in 1891, the Council today represents 65 affiliated societies, which cover all parts of the British Isles as well as centres of ringing in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, South Africa and Italy. These societies in turn comprise the members of the local companies of ringers in their areas.
The Object of the Central Council is to advance the practice, heritage and appreciation of bell ringing as an enjoyable mental and physical exercise and unique performing art for the public benefit of both church and community.
To be the strategic leader and public voice of the ringing community, the arbiter of standards; and to promote an environment where ringing can flourish
A vibrant community of ringers; with bell ringing widely valued as an enjoyable mental and physical exercise and unique performing art, which enhances the life of both community and church
To support and encourage ringing by:
- Find alternative long-term sources of recruits who have the potential to be good ringers
- That no ringer should hit a barrier to their own progression
- The pursuit of excellence in everything we do
- The sound of church bells remains part of our cultural soundscape and is appreciated and understood
- The pursuit of method ringing is not the only measure of success for a ringer
- The Church continues to value our contribution
Executive Structure