Learn to ring

Bell ringing is a team activity that stimulates the brain and helps keep you fit (especially climbing some of those tower steps!) and it also makes a glorious sound!  

Ringers come from all walks of life and generally range in age from ten to those in their eighties. Many different societies have been formed, bringing together people from the same geographies or similar interests – all of them being pretty much an excuse to do more ringing!

“When I’m ringing I forget all the tensions and frustrations of the day. Even better: I couldn’t wish for a nicer group of friends!”

Register using our Learn to Ring form to find a tower near you!

Could I become a ringer?

“Almost anyone can ring.  And you can learn to the level you are personally happy with.  Ringers might be unmusical, might be bad at maths, might not be very strong physically, and some might have mental and/or physical disabilities of some sort – it is really such an inclusive activity!”

Ringing is well within the capabilities of most people. The initial learning takes several weeks, after which you can begin to ring with the rest of the band (that’s what we call a team of people who ring together). Most ringers practise once or twice a week and ring before or after church service on Sunday. 

Ringers come from all walks of life, and learn at different ages.  A recent young (teenage) ringer says this about ringing: “Over the past 2-3 years I have learned a lot, and it has helped me improve my social skills and confidence as well as team integration.  Bell ringing also has opened up the opportunity of going to new and exciting places which I always look forward to.  I would highly recommend it to anyone!”

Why learn to ring?

“Learning to ring is much like learning to play any musical instrument – it takes practice and there are countless levels of skill to explore”

  • Make friends around the world
  • Develop a lifelong learning experience
  • Maintain a traditional skill
  • Provide a service to the church and the general community, as well as for those getting married, celebrating another special occasion, and saying goodbye to a loved one in a very special way
  • Take part in a team activity
  • Share stories and receive support (not just about ringing) and friendship in the pub after practice
  • Have a great mental workout
  • Have the opportunity to visit amazing places
  • Use this new skill to complete part of your Duke of Edinburgh award, or to fundraise for a cause you believe in

How do I get involved?

Listen for the bells at a church near you or register on our Learn to Ring website, so we can find a tower in your area. Then go along and see what ringing is all about.

Beware! Once you’ve got the bug, you may find it hard to give up:

“I learnt to ring over forty years ago and I still get the same buzz that I did when I first started.”

“I have been ringing just a few years, and it’s obsessive for me!  But for others it is about ringing once a week, and they are really happy with that.”

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