The UK Government and the Church of England have published guidance for providers who run activities for children in out-of-school settings. This guidance has been adapted to enable people under the age of 18 and studying at school (not university) to resume bellringing in a Church tower or private ring. Note that this only applies in Tiers 1-3 – Tier 4 is specifically excluded from the Government guidance.
- Choose a suitable ringing venue. A ground floor ring or a large well-ventilated ringing room.
- Please ring a combination of bells where the ropes fall at least one metre apart wearing face masks and stay two metres apart when not ringing.
- A lighter ring of bells is preferable. Exertion ringing heavier bells may result in an increase in aerosol droplets in the ringing room.
- Please check with the incumbent, churchwardens, or Parochial Church Council for permission and they can be referred to the guidance.
- Written permission should be sought from parents or guardians.
- Parents or guardians should inform their children’s schools that they will resume ringing under this guidance.
- Two known DBS checked adults to be present for safeguarding. They should not take part in any ringing, except for in an emergency. So this means six young ringers, plus the two adults.
- Groups of up to six can meet and ring for 45 minutes. This includes time spent ringing up and down.
- If possible, the young ringers should ring the same bell for the duration of the session. The young ringers should maintain social distancing before, during, and after the session.
- Ringers and safeguarding adults must wear face masks and use hand sanitiser.
- Everyone should use the venue’s track and trace system. If you are in a tower without a track and trace QR code, keep a record of who was ringing.
- Parents or guardians responsible for and transporting young ringers should not enter the ringing area and should not congregate outside. They drop off and collect.
- Please minimise the subsequent contact between young ringers and the other members of their local band.