Peal Record Performance

Winchester and Portsmouth D G


Hampshire, Clock House Bells

On Friday 22 April 2011, in 5 hours and 28 minutes

Tenor: 2½

10,368 Plain Bob Caters

Composed by Roy LeMarechal

1R Hugh Routh
2John P Colliss
3Jenny M A Astridge
4Benjamin J Carey
5Christopher R Field
6Roy LeMarechal (C)
7John A Dodd
8Jonathan P Daniels
9Malcolm S Turner
10James A Hodkin

Longest peal of Plain Bob Caters


Martin J E Daniels
Margaret E L Chapman


10368 Plain Bob Caters

by Roy LeMarechal 23456789 1 4 8 ------------------ 53426879 s s 3 25436 - 3 32456 - 3 52436 s 3 35426 - 3 23456 - 3 ------------------ 4 part, calling bob for single 4 in parts 2 and 4.

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