Ancient Society of College Youths |
Fulham |
London, All Saints |
On Saturday 8 December 1883, in 7 hours and 12 minutes |
Tenor: 18½ |
11,111 Stedman Caters |
Composed by Henry Johnson |
1 | James Pettit (C) |
2 | Francis E Dawe |
3 | George Mash |
4 | John W Rowbotham |
5 | Challis F Winney |
6 | Edwin Gibbs |
7 | William Greenleaf |
8 | Edwin Horrex |
9 | John M Hayes |
10 | Walter Prime |
The greatest number of changes ever rang in the above method.
11111 Stedman Caters by Henry Johnson
123456789 4 5 16 ------------------ 513426978 a 516324 - 613524 - 2 314526 - 3 416523 - 3 613245 - - 512346 2 2 ------------------ 213654 - 2 | | 316254 - 2 |A | 614253 - 3 | |B 413256 - 3 | | ------------------ | 314652 - - | ------------------ 615234 B 312564 A 213564 - s ------------------ 614235 4B 312465 A 213465 - s ------------------ 132547698 b ------------------ a = (16) b = Start from rounds as the last row of a quick six