As I write this on St George’s Day many of you may have been marking the occasion with ringing for England’s patron saint or indeed for Shakespeare’s birthday. The forthcoming two months will see anniversary of VE Day in Europe over weekend of 9th May, and the historic 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta over the weekend of 13th/14th June. The latter may have ringers involved in the suggested community based “LiberTeas” as previously reported and I hope that as many as possible will support this event.
The Council’s March Administrative Committee was very much concerned with preparations for the May Council meeting in Hull and by the time you read this the Council Supplement should have arrived on your doormat with the Ringing World. I would ask all representatives to read through the minutes, papers and Committee reports now so that you can come to the meeting prepared to bring your views and those of your societies. An active part in the proceedings should be our way of showing that, contrary to any views to the contrary the Council is alive, well and listening.
May we remind Council members that a number of societies have not yet paid their affiliation fees to the Council. We would be grateful if you would check with your society Treasurer that the fee has been paid.
As part of the Council weekend the 8.00am morning service at Holy Trinity Hull will be broadcast by the BBC and ringers will be welcome to join the local congregation. The bells will be heard as part of the broadcast but the BBC are intending to record ringing in advance on Saturday 23rd May. Since many of the Beverley & District members will be involved with the open towers, will any members who could assist with ringing for the recording please advise James Blackburn by telephone -number 01482 631854. Time of ringing is to meet at Holy Trinity at 1.15pm.
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