100 years of Save the Children

Eglantyne Jebb is remembered each year in the church calendar on December 17th as a social reformer and the founder of Save the Children in 1919.
In this our centenary year, Save the Children supporters would like to mark this special day either on the day itself or the closest Sunday, December 15th, by asking churches to ring their bells to commemorate the life, work and vision of Eglantyne and her sister, Dorothy Buxton a cofounder, and remember them in prayers.  An event has been setup on BellBoard for you to link any performances for this to: https://bb.ringingworld.co.uk/event.php?id=11850
About Save the Children
Save the Children was founded in the aftermath of the first world war and our founders spoke up for the starving children trapped behind British blockades. They soon combined campaigning with raising public funds to spend aid – and that dual approach continues to live on in our work today. Eglantyne said, ‘Each generation of children offers mankind the possibility of rebuilding his ruin of a world’. Save the Children, now an international independent children’s charity, continues the commitment to secure the rights of the world’s most deprived and marginalised children, as we have for the last 100 years.
One focus of our centenary is to highlight the global issue of children in conflict. It is estimated that over 350 million children, one in six
worldwide, are living in conflict zones. Many of these children are deprived of sufficient food, medical care, schooling or protection and aid agencies such as Save the Children work tirelessly to reach and support them. Many too are suffering things no child ever should from sexual violence and exploitation much of which is never reported. We hope through our efforts we will be able to spotlight these injustices in the public’s eye and drive change through local and international engagement.
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