Welcome to the Young Ringers Hub!

Young Ringers Hub – The home of under-30s ringing

This is the interim Young Ringers Hub website, containing guidance and resources for young ringers whilst we build the new website. We will continue to add information to the interim website as it becomes available and will provide news updates when there are significant developments.

The new website will be a “one stop shop” for young ringers from school age to age 30, with guidance and resources for under 18s, 18-30s, university ringing  and youth ringing leaders. We are currently working on the school lesson plans awareness raising project, University ringing, school / youth group visit guidance, Scout / Guide awards and guidance and creating a strong youth ringing leadership community.

Please look at the interim website and use the “contact us” button to give us feedback and let us know if you are interested in getting involved!

Also, have a look at our Young Ringers for Ringing 2030 Workgroup pages for more information.

Young Ringers for Ringing 2030 – CCCBR

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