The London 2019 Mini-Roadshow
Goldsmiths College, London SE14 6NW


Central Council Rolls of Honour – to commemorate those ringers who fell in the Great War 1914 – 1918 and 1939-1945 War. The Council commissioned a handwritten Memorial Book for each War. The books are normally held at St Paul’s Cathedral, London. In recent years much more information has become accessible on the website of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and additional names have been obtained from ringing societies and individual ringers. Alan Regin OBE, the current Steward of the Rolls of Honour, has collected and organised this material, which along with the Rolls of Honour themselves, was the inspiration for the recent Ringing Remembers project.

The Central Council Library owns valuable collections of published and unpublished books and manuscripts from the early centuries of change ringing to the present day. Many of these are now available online. It is not just an archive but a working collection, which is available not only to the serious researcher but also to the casual enquirer who wishes to find out something about some aspect of ringing. By becoming a Friend of the Library you can help to preserve an important part of ringing’s heritage and contribute to the Library’s work to ensure the work of past generations remains accessible to the ringers of the future.
The Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust was founded In 2016 to safeguard the buildings, equipment and the Museum which form the Loughborough Bell Foundry, the last bellfoundry in Britain and one of the few remaining Victorian buildings which is still being used for its original purpose. In 2018 the Trust received National Lottery funding to help progress its plans, which will involve a wide range of initiatives including heritage craft workshops, volunteering and arts and cultural events based at the bellfoundry site. Come and find out about the Foundry’s unique museum of bells and bellfounding and its Campanile which contains the most-pealed bells in the World.