Ex-officio Members
Andrew Aspland
Steward of the Library
Kira Chase
Leader – Technical & Taxonomy
Ernie de Legh-Runciman
Executive Sponsor – Technology for Ringing 2030 Workgroup
(email) 10 Derwent Drive
, Onchan
, Isle of Man
, British Isles, IM3 2DG
Andrea Haynes
Leader – Young Ringers for Ringing 2030
Tim Jackson
Steward of the Dove Database
Paul Jopp
Chairman of The Ringing World Ltd
John Lagdon
Leader – Ringing 2030 Marketing
Catherine Lane
Member – Executive
Dickon Love
Leader – Historical & Archive
Steward of the Dove Database
David Mattingley
Steward of the FE Dukes Fund
Allen Nunley
Steward of the FE Dukes Fund
Ian Oram
Steward of the FE Dukes Fund
Richard Pullin
Steward of the Felsted Database
Alan Regin
Steward of the Rolls of Honour
Fergus Stracey
Ancient Society of College Youths
Richard Allton
Colin G Newman
Euan Thomas
Andrew Wilby
Australian and New Zealand Association
Peter Harrison
Member - Executive
Enid Roberts
David Smith
Barrow and District Society
Rhona McEune
Bath and Wells Diocesan Association
Michael Hansford
Matthew Higby
David Parfrey
Paul Wotton
Leader - Ringing 2030 Recruitment and Development WG
Bedfordshire Association
Patrick Albon
Linda Garton
Richard Horne
Beverley and District Society
Rosina Baxter
James Blackburn
Steward of the Carter Ringing Machine Collection
Cambridge University Guild
David Richards
Richard A Smith
Carlisle Diocesan Guild
Jayden Milby
Social Media
Duncan Walker
Central European Association
Brian Diserens
Chester Diocesan Guild
Andrew Darling
Carole Hallam
Graham Jenkins
Peter Wilkinson
Coventry Diocesan Guild
Annie Hall
John Newbold
Tracey Newbold
Joy Pluckrose
Derby Diocesan Association
Glen Fiddy
Andrew Hall
Susan Hall
Gill Hughes
Devon Association
Tim Jones
Joanne Tucker
Dorset County Association
Cathy Neyland
Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Association
Howard Smith
Durham University Society
Phil Hughes
East Derbyshire and West Nottinghamshire Association
Edward Sterland
Ely Diocesan Association
Philip Bailey
Lynne Hughes
Sue Marsden
Steward of the Library
Daniel Stevens
Essex Association
Fred Bone
Mary Bone
Vicki Chapman
Deputy President
Executive Sponsor - Ringing 2030 Marketing
Martin Jones
Four Shires Guild
Jess McCarthy
Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association
Bob Blanden
Ian Bucknell
Jason Carter
Roger Haynes
Richard While
Guild of Clerical Ringers
Jonathan Rose
Guild of Devonshire Ringers
Harry Andrews
Charlotte Boyce
James Kirkcaldy
Alena Wardle
Guildford Diocesan Guild
John Couperthwaite
Deb Margason-Baker
Jackie Roberts
Hereford Diocesan Guild
Anthony Ellis
Abigail Pugh
Hertford County Association
John Allison
Stuart Brant
Tony Crowther
Geoff Horritt
Irish Association
Lesley Hayes
Niamh Hickey
Alex Nelson
Kent County Association
Neil Jones
Alexander Runting
Stephanie Runting
Tom Winter
Ladies' Guild
Allison Devine
Rhiannon Pugh
Elizabeth Smith
Lancashire Association
Beth Ingham
Andrew Kayll
Simon Percy
Leeds University Society
Tristan Lockheart
Leicester Diocesan Guild
Sally Brown
Carol Franklin
Steve Millington
Lichfield and Walsall Archdeaconries Society
Stephen Askew
Stuart Hutchieson
David Towell
Lincoln Diocesan Guild
Keith Butter
Judith Rogers
Christopher J Sharp
Christopher P Turner
Liverpool Universities Society
Martyn Bristow
Leader - Technology for Ringing 2030 WG
Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan Association
Harriet Moncrieff
Helen Phillips
Matthew Turner
Middlesex County Association and London Diocesan Guild
Adrian Sweeting
National Police Guild
Richard White
North American Guild
Eileen Butler
Beverly Faber
Executive Sponsor - Historical & Archive
Member - Executive
Christian Haller
North Staffordshire Association
North Wales Association
Esme Anstice
Harvey Plows
Norwich Diocesan Association
Jo Belsten
Raymond Harwood
Mary Jones.
Oxford Diocesan Guild
John Harrison
Lucy Hopkins Till
Graham John
Alan Marchbank
Tim Pett
Oxford Society
Dorothy Hall
Oxford University Society
Craig Robertson
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
Simon Dixon
Alistair Donaldson
Nick Elks
David Westerman
Salisbury Diocesan Guild
Bob Crighton
Anthony Lovell-Wood
Julian Newman
Vicki Rowse
Scottish Association
Zoe Bennett
Tina Stoecklin
Executive Sponsor - Technical & Taxonomy
Shropshire Association
Paul Lewis
E Ann Williams
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths
Ian Roulstone
Executive Sponsor - Ringing 2030 Environments
Executive Sponsor - Young Ringers for Ringing 2030
Member - Executive
Joseph Waters
Jane Wilkinson
South African Guild
James Champion
Southwell and Nottingham Diocesan Guild
Jim Crabtree
Chris Glenton
Graham Hayward
Anne Sladen
St David's Diocesan Guild
Christopher Hughes
St Martin's Guild
Richard Andrew
Simon Linford
External Liaison
Suffolk Guild
Cath Colman
Neal Dodge
Marion Knight-Dixon
Mark Ogden
Leader - Ringing 2030 Environments
Surrey Association
Kate Flavell
Paul Flavell
Noel Gibbin
Jason Hughes
Sussex County Association
Susan Gadd
David Kirkcaldy
Robert Lane
Philip Pawley
Stephanie Pendlebury
Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Guild
Grace Dooley
Truro Diocesan Guild
Robert Perry
Ian Self
Hayley Young
University of Bristol Society
Elva Ainsworth
Josephine Leggett
University of London Society
Toby Hibbert
Veronese Associazione Suonatori di Campane a Sistema
Michele Giovanni Cambareri
David Roskelly
Welsh Colleges' Society of Change Ringers
Fiona Hartley
Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild
Rachael Barber
Michael Church
Mike Hopkins Till
Nick James
Margaret J Smith
Worcestershire and Districts Association
Alison Hodge
James P Mort
Chris Tennant
Elizabeth Tennant
Yorkshire Association
Barrie Dove
Simon Plows
Elaine Scott
Peter Scott
Andrew Slade
Registered Small Societies
Guild of Railway Ringers
Jim Benner
Lilliputters Guild
Emily Watts
Open University Society
Paul Feast
Sheffield Universities Guild
Tam Jones