In the last year many towers have been making a return to regular ringing after lockdowns, meaning that belfries have had to be inspected after a period of silence and defects made good. Recruitment and retention of ringers is also near the top of many towers’ agenda and bells and ringing rooms need to be in prime condition to facilitate this.
This year the CCCBR Stewardship and Management Workgroup and Westley Group are again teaming up to recognise the efforts of those who have become involved in belfry maintenance in the last few years and whose achievements make such a difference to bell installations and fellow ringers. A prize of £100 and a certificate will be awarded to the best entry demonstrating commitment, achievement and dedication to developing, sharing and passing on their knowledge and skills. Entrants of all ages and levels of experience are welcome.
The closing date for entries will be 28th May 2022 at 12 noon and the award will be presented at the CCCBR AGM in September 2022.
The Award
The award will be made to a person who has engaged in supporting maintenance and improvement of tower bell installations for the first time in the last 5 years, and shows the most commitment to developing and using their own skills, and developing such skills of others. Activities may be in towers and elsewhere, for example advice, videos, demonstrations, preparation and presentation of training materials, etc.
Nominations may be made for yourself or for someone else. Female nominees and younger people are particularly encouraged to apply! Those who applied in previous years may enter again. People who are or have been employed by a professional bell foundry, bell hanger or similar organisation are NOT eligible for an award.
The closing date for nominations will be noon Saturday 28th May 2022. Applications, on the form provided, will be reviewed during June and the winner announced in July.
Please note that the judges may wish to contact the applicants to ask for clarification of points in the application.
Westley Group will award the winner £100 and a certificate. The judges may also commend other applicants and present a certificate to them.
The judging panel will be drawn from members of the CCCBR Stewardship & Management Workgroup, independent members and previous winners or runners up. The judges’ decisions will be final.
The judging criteria will be:
- Benefits of the work under taken by the nominee
- Nominee’s approach to learning about tower bell maintenance and improvement
- Nominee’s support for others not previously involved in maintenance and improvement
- Scale and scope of activities under taken in the last 5 years (The number and cost of projects are not primary criteria)
Please return the Application form to by noon on Saturday 28th May 2022.
The application form and guidance can be downloaded here: