A typical process would be:
- Informal discussion between tower captain, ringers, Churchwardens, PCC and incumbent (or Chapter and Dean), whether to consider a restart of ringing, a continuation of the current level of ringing, or a change in the policy for ringing in your tower.
- A review takes place (using advice published by the CCCBR, and if appropriate informal support from an Association / Guild advisor), concerning the characteristics of
- the tower
- the ringers (all are given a copy of “Individual Risks” document to help them to decide for themselves)
- the community (in particular what Tier it is in).
- A Risk Assessment for the resumption of ringing is undertaken by the Health and Safety Officer of the PCC (assisted by the Tower Captain).
- A physical check of the bells takes place and any necessary repairs made.
- Sign off with Incumbent, Churchwardens and PCC.
- Resumption of ringing.
- Regular review – dependent on the health / risk exposure of the ringers, local community Tier status and amendments in CCCBR guidance.