Ancient Society of Painswick Youths |
Painswick |
Gloucestershire, St John the Baptist |
On Saturday 8 November 1930, in 11 hours and 32 minutes |
Tenor: 27 |
17,687 Grandsire Cinques |
Composed by Albert Wright |
1 | Harry Phelps |
2 | Thomas Baldwyn |
3 | William Ireland |
4 | E Harry Stoneley |
5 | Leslie Barry |
6 | Albert Wright (C) |
7 | S Tom Price |
8 | William Staite |
9 | Alfred G Hannis |
10 | George D Harris |
11 | John F Ballinger |
12 | James George |
Details from a tablet in the tower, performance subsequently found to be false.
See article
17687 Grandsire Cinques by Albert Wright
234567890E 6 7 8 -------------------- 5237486E90 2347685 - - -------------------- 423 2 |X | 62473 2 | | -------------------- |A 36472 X | 436 2 | 63274 - | -------------------- 3247586 - - | 2457683 - - |B 64275 A | -------------------- 6527384 B 3527486 - 25473 - 5437682 - - 64573 A -------------------- 4536287 s1.5.6 -------------------- 345 2 | 54263 - | 425 - | 32465 2 |C 432 2 | 23564 - | 352 - | 45263 s | -------------------- 25364 - 25463 C 254638709E 1.s2.3.4.5 53462 2X 453 2 35264 - 45263 s -------------------- 35462 2 543 - 435 - 53264 - 325 - 42365 2 342 2 -------------------- 22 repeated rows Rows 20 and 16413 are both 517293E4068 Rounds occurs after 17687 changes