This index contains references to obituaries published in several publications and a few books. Jounals, etc are identified with the following abbreviations:
BN – Bell News and Ringers’ Record (1881-1915)
BR – The Bellringer (1907-1907)
C – Campanology (1896-1897)
CB – Church Bells (1870-1906)
GE – Giants of the Exercise (Vols 1 & 2)
RW – Ringing World (1911-present [March 2022])
The index was originally compiled by John Eisel and Chris Ridley with additional material from Alan Ellis, and it is now maintained by the CCCBR History and Archive WorkGroup. It contains references to over 12,000 names.
Abbreviations for titles, honours, etc are defined here (opens in a new tab).
Abbreviations for titles, honours, etc are defined here (opens in a new tab).