Rolls of Honour – Cemetery Details

These lists are updated as new information becomes available. Please send corrections or additions to Alan Regin

Cambrai Memorial, Louverval

GtWAndrew, FSIsham
GtWBell, FScothern
GtWChiverton, FJNewport
GtWDavies, ABLlantrisant
GtWHogg, JTNorth Shields (Christ Church)
GtWHurren, AGMadresfield
GtWHutchinson, FWBishopstoke
GtWJarman, ABelton
GtWPaddock, WClunbury
GtWPocock, AHilperton
GtWPointon, ENorton
GtWPowell, GAlmondsbury
GtWReeve, CEBelton
GtWTily, LLChipping Sodbury
GtWWade, TAIrthlingborough
GtWWebb, EIckleton
GtWWhite, SVWarfield
GtWWordley, RCEdington
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