Rolls of Honour – Cemetery Details

These lists are updated as new information becomes available. Please send corrections or additions to Alan Regin

Thiepval Memorial

GtWAbberley, BLongton
GtWBall, CAMalins Lee
GtWBall, CGDyrham
GtWBarker, RBGreat Ryburgh
GtWBarnard, GRayne
GtWBatchelor, GCanterbury
GtWBates, WChilvers Coton
GtWBishop, JYKirton in Holland
GtWBland, JCleator Moor
GtWBliss, AJHigh Wycombe
GtWBonney, HPFramlingham
GtWBoultwood, HESunbury on Thames
GtWBradbury, HRNewtown
GtWBroadhurst, AGStratfield Saye
GtWBrown, GRChicheley
GtWBudd, ACurry Rivel
GtWButcher, WCAttleborough
GtWCain, AGNorthaw
GtWCassam, AEHayes
GtWChristie, FQuatt
GtWCooper, EGPettistree
GtWCrane, SNLyme Regis
GtWDaniels, WSparsholt
GtWDaughtry, JPulborough
GtWDixon, CHYattendon
GtWEllis, EWRampisham
GtWEngland, WMisson
GtWFalconer, RWGosforth
GtWFowler, PFrensham
GtWFrancis, GIngatestone
GtWFunnell, ASaxlingham
GtWGarnham, HPulham Market
GtWGaskell, HBlackburn
GtWGearing, SABinfield
GtWGibbs, FCLeighton Buzzard
GtWGooday, WGreat Waldingfield
GtWGriffin, NFCoaley
GtWGwynne, AEBridstow
GtWHaines, APOld Windsor
GtWHakes, JJNorton Cuckney
GtWHall, HToddington
GtWHancox, WRDeddington
GtWHarrod, ASOrsett
GtWHassack, WPMaidstone
GtWHayesmore, LARolvenden
GtWHind, EWGBangor
GtWHodgson, JCarlisle
GtWHornsby, JBGreens Norton
GtWHunt, LSouthbroom
GtWHunt, RVSt Albans, S Michael
GtWJones, EJPortmadoc
GtWJones, WGMaids Moreton
GtWJones, WJWombourne
GtWKelly, RMKelly
GtWLambert, EHFHalesworth
GtWLancaster, HWhittle le Woods
GtWLaundon, JGWhetstone
GtWLeach, WHoddlesden
GtWLee, WCStreatham
GtWLewis, FJLlanfrechfa
GtWLloyd, EWHurst
GtWLong, HEWitney
GtWLubbock, GTLSalle
GtWMarshall, AGMilton next Gravesend
GtWMarshall, GGosberton
GtWMerry, EFreeland
GtWMurray, TLiscard
GtWOglesby, TCBarrow on Humber
GtWParkinson, JRRusholme
GtWParsons, GErdington
GtWPascoe, EJHelston
GtWPegler, WCCoaley
GtWPerkins, FManchester Cathedral
GtWPeters, SCCottenham
GtWPickering, FCarshalton
GtWPiggins, GEWisbech
GtWPrice, TJUphill
GtWReynolds, AWatton
GtWRidout, PJTollard Royal
GtWRippington, REWest Wycombe
GtWRoberts, MWClent
GtWRowlett, HBiggleswade
GtWRussell, TDSonning
GtWSarginson, JMiddleham
GtWSchofield, TLeesfield
GtWShepherd, TMilnrow
GtWShorter, AGConsett
GtWShute, SFontmell Magna
GtWSkues, HSFarnham Royal
GtWSmith, JJHarlow Common
GtWSmith, JLGrappenhall
GtWSmith, THLanchester
GtWSmith, WKidderminster
GtWSparrow, LHBadsey
GtWStanley, HLongton
GtWStephens, FShirenewton
GtWStratford, WEBourton on the Water
GtWStratton, EBiggleswade
GtWSwift, CEPenistone
GtWTame, HJGreat Milton
GtWTaylor, ABLoughborough
GtWTyrrell, CJWicken
GtWWeatherston, SBSouthwark
GtWWebber, AGBrent Knoll
GtWWhite, CWCookham
GtWWhitehorn, CNewbury
GtWWhiting, EPulham Market
GtWWright, HBelchamp Walter
GtWWright, TCChilvers Coton
SignpostView of MemorialCloseup of wall dedication to the Missing of the Somme

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