Rolls of Honour – Cemetery Details

These lists are updated as new information becomes available. Please send corrections or additions to Alan Regin

Pozieres Memorial

GtWBaker, JMarshfield
GtWButler, CWest Wycombe
GtWCoote, FWest Grinstead
GtWCox, TEast Farleigh
GtWCox, WJYarnton
GtWCullen, HCCheddar
GtWEdwards, EHSalehurst
GtWEly, WABury St Edmunds
GtWFarrington, JHWenhaston
GtWFountain, GCheddar
GtWGroombridge, AMayfield
GtWHale, HJBinfield
GtWHuntley, SChiddingstone
GtWJackson, ALStoke
GtWKew, GRBurstow
GtWLeatherbarrow, ECulcheth
GtWLetch, PCLoughton
GtWLock, BGWalthamstow
GtWLoveday, BCIslip
GtWMaisey, EETetbury
GtWMarsh, AJPreston, Dorset
GtWMarsh, FCGlastonbury
GtWMoseley, JJChurch Kirk
GtWNeedle, TJEaston Maudit
GtWOttley, WBentley
GtWPhillips, SATaunton
GtWPrince, RCDibden
GtWRichards, FWRolvenden
GtWSimmonds, JBraywood
GtWSivell, AJFelsted
GtWSkeer, GBrabourne
GtWWhitelaw, WChiddingstone
GtWWrightson, WWylam on Tyne
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