This week in The Ringing World – 30th August

Coming in this week’s edition of The Ringing World on Friday 30th August:

+ Ringing at Welsh Universities – by Chris Ridley

+ OUS 1980s go wild on Lundy – by Phil Barnes

+ Oddstruckness – What it is and how to measure it – by David Bagley

+ Memories of a 1940s all-girl band at Burnham, Bucks – by Lisa Harding

+ Letters on Singapore and the future of ringing

+ Monks move African bells – by Colin Lewis

+ The Durham & Newcastle Association Ramble

+ Obituary for Keith Game – by Susan Spencer & Swaz Apter

+ The Central Council Mini Roadshow

+ Ringing for tin in Poldark country – by Mary Jones

+ Salisbury DG Young Ringers visit Bath

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