Arrangements for the 2020 CCCBR Weekend

Following discussion with our partners in Nottingham, given the current uncertainty about movement and gathering restrictions and when we might be likely to be back in the belfry, the Central Council Executive has made the difficult decision to cancel arrangements for the 2020 Roadshow that was scheduled for 4-6th September 2020.

The revised plan will focus on the formal business meetings, with the Council’s AGM and the AGM of The Ringing World Ltd. taking place during the day on Saturday 5th September.

We are currently keeping the date open but are seeking an alternative venue to the University of Nottingham, which might be more suitable for our purposes and we are confident that ringing could also be arranged at reasonably short notice to go alongside the AGM, but it is very difficult to get speakers, exhibitors and other arrangements confirmed at this time.

In the event that government restrictions make it impossible for business meetings to take place in the normal way, we are looking into the possibility of holding ‘virtual’ meetings which would enable Council Members to take part online if we were unable to gather in person. The Central Council Executive will make a final decision on arrangements (including precise date, time and location) by the end of June, taking into account the situation as it is then.

The exciting events and activities that our friends in Nottingham were arranging will not go to waste, as we are investigating the possibility of holding the 2021 AGM and Roadshow there instead.

Thank you for your understanding.

Vicki Chapman
CCCBR Public Relations Officer

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