Workgroup Update – Public Relations

The Public Relations Workgroup has almost reached its first anniversary.  During that period, we have been quite busy with some more visible activities, but a lot of behind-the-scenes development. Here is a brief summary of what we’ve been up to and what’s to come.

  • Bell Sunday – the idea being to have one Sunday of the year dedicated to all things bellringing. We have suggested to the Clerical Guild that services on that day should revolve around bells and the participation of bellringers in the life of the Church.  There’s still a lot of iron out yet but watch this space.
  • Bells on Sunday – Phil Orme does a magnificent job of providing BBC Radio 4 with snippets of audio recordings of bells and tries to link them to events and special occasions. At very short notice Phil managed to get ringing from Glasgow featured for COP26, from Washington for the anniversary of 9/11, Ellacombe chiming for the 200th anniversary of the Ellacombe chimes.  However, it would be great to get some new recordings and particularly from towers that have never featured before.  We have provided guidance on how to submit a recording, which can be found on the website at on the Information, Resources and Guidance tab.  We look forward to receiving new clips.
  • HRH Duke of Edinburgh – commemorative ringing took place to mark the death and funeral of the late Duke of Edinburgh and we are aware there are plans to hold a memorial service at Westminster Abbey in the Spring. As soon as we have further details, we’ll share them.
  • Ellacombe Chimes 200th Anniversary – as well as the special Bells on Sunday recording, many towers across the world took part in this anniversary.
  • London Bridge – our guidance for Operation London Bridge has been updated following further conversation with both Lambeth Palace and Buckingham Palace.
  • Campanologist’s Marmalade – always on the lookout for interesting connections, we found one in the world of making preserves. There’s just about time to submit your edible entry
  • NHS & Key Workers Day – gave focus to remember those who were affected by loss during the Pandemic and to thank those frontline workers who helped and continue to help in so many different ways.
  • Photo Competitions – so far, we’ve run four different categories. The idea is to build an image gallery for anyone to be able to use. We’ve had some tremendous entries. There’s one more category to go, details coming soon.
  • PR Matters Day 2.0 – plans are starting to formulate for a workshop on how to make the most with PR at tower, district or Association level. This will include practical sessions.  More news to follow.
  • Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – you will have seen information recently about co-ordinated ringing for 3rd June. We are also considering producing certificates for you to download. We’ll be using stories received from those who rang for the Coronation to form our press releases, giving a unique take on the day.
  • Videos – we are working with a bellringing videographer to produce a series of short montages that can be used in different settings, featuring young ringers, heritage, community etc.
  • Materials – we have been reviewing the existing PR materials available from the Council and will be updating and adding to. This will include leaflets, posters, presentations that can all be adapted to include local information. Several of these are already available at  on the Information, Resources and Guidance tab.

We are a small but enthusiastic group who meet every month and work on projects in between.  We’d be happy to hear from anyone who could help us with Copywriting skills, or if you have a proactive approach to promoting bellringing.

We are deeply saddened to have lost Bruce Butler from our team.  He was a quiet but knowledgeable mainstay of our meetings.  His presence will be sadly missed, and we extend our sympathies and support to Eileen.

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